Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Frankenstein Paragraph

In an honest opinion I would like to think that the monster is more human like in ways then Victor. The monster seemed to feel deeper emotions than Victor.

The monster was born in to a situation to a man who didn't want the responsibility of his creations. The monster was made of old dead body's put back together, so he was what you would call hideous. Due to the fact that he was a rather non good looking guy he had no friends and absolutely no one to talk to. The monster grew with knowledge on his own with no one to help. after all that victor has done by ignoring his loved one, he had absolute no kind of feeling towards his "son". Over days the monster knew write from wrong and grew a strong desire for a female companionship because he was always alone. The monster would come to victor with his problems and he would share what he wanted but victor was cold hearted and couldn't give him what he desired...

After the monster not getting what he wanted and killing William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth he felt regret. Although he apoogised for his wrobng doings it did no good becouse Victor wouldnt admit to anyone that it was his fault and put all the blame on the monster.  

Although the monster did get a little out of hands at times he still acted more human like then Victor.

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